The course costs £200 for a 7 hour day of lectures, shooting and feedback.
The group will consist of no more than 10 people.
That way, you will get all the advantages of working closely with us.
We will do nothing other than breath and talk photography
Prior to the course you will be asked to send 3 of your best photographs in JPEG format to so during the course we can (gently) give you feedback .
We will cover the following (and more):
- Critiquing your /our photographs
- Understanding your camera settings
- Understanding zone focusing
- Having the right mindset
- The importance of the subject
- How to isolate the subject
- The importance of light and darkness
- Colour or black and white ?
- Colour theory
- Composition rules, dogmas and theories
- Why you should go to the movies
- The 3 things to ALWAYS remember before you press the shutter
- How to safely photograph strangers
- What not to photograph
- Legal issues in street photograph
- How to make a million pounds with just one picture
Although nothing is set in stone, a typical day is as follows:
10.00am Introduction, lecture and feedback on photos sent in advance.
11.30am Group leave to do their first photo shoot around Fleet Street.
12.30pm Lunch.
1.00pm Group discuss first photo shoot. Further tuition.
2.00pm Participants take more photos in the area.
3.00pm Group returns for feedback of 2nd shoot photographs
5.00pm Event ends. Retire to pub to talk photography for rest of night (optional)
We normally run the courses on Saturdays and Sundays, but if you want a midweek workshop, drop us a line at and we’ll see what we can do for you.
Eat. Sleep. Snap. Repeat.